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Palm Oil Becomes the Black Campaign’s Victim

By 24 February 2017October 22nd, 2021Industry News, Uncategorized3 min read — Black campaign aimed to debilitate the palm oil industry is still going on. One of them is the distribution of imported food products with Palm Oil Free label in a number of retail in Jakarta.

“Some parties keep trying to make efforts to take down the Indonesian palm oil industry by calling it of having impact on the climate and global warming, whereas the global warming is caused by the increased intensity of the global gas emission of the greenhouse effect due to the excessive greenhouse gas emission,” said Erwin Masrul Harapan, the Coordinator of Palm Oil Lovers of North Sumatra University, as cited by paspimonitor website some time ago.

He thinks that other countries spread the black campaign because they are not capable to compete with the world’s palm oil industry which is dominated by Indonesia. As is known, the number of the world’s palm oil consumption continues to increase every year compared to other sources of vegetable oils such as soybean, rapeseed, and sunflower.

On the same occasion, Timbas Prasad, the Secretary of Indonesian Palm Oil Association (GAPKI) revealed that the foreign countries have waged the black campaign in various ways. As in the beginning of January, there is palm oil free Italian snack distributed in Jakarta.

“Palm oil free label on the package is a form of black campaign,” he said.

Therefore, he asked the relevant agencies, especially the National Food and Drug Control Agency (BPOM), to revoke the license of the company and recall the products from the market.

Meanwhile, Tungkot Sipayung, the Director of Palm Oil Agribusiness Strategic Policy Institute, said that there is a myth that the global warming and the global climate change are caused by Indonesia, especially palm oil plantations. In fact, the global warming is caused by the increased intensity of the global gas emission of the greenhouse effect due to the excessive greenhouse gas emission.

On the other hand, palm oil industry serves a positive impact on the income of the palm oil farmers and independent smallholders. They get higher income than the non-palm oil farmers. The non-palm oil farmers get for about Rp 20 million/ year, while the palm oil farmers and independent smallholders get Rp 130 million/ year in 2013.
