Illustration – A number of local farmers carrying oil palm harvest into trucks to be transported to the mill. ANTARA FOTO/Septianda Perdana/pd/aa
Jakarta (ANTARA) – Palm oil industry is committed to create jobs and help alleviate poverty in Merauke and Boven Digoel, Papua by absorbing workers from Indigenous Papuans (OAP).
Director of Tunas Sawa Erma (TSE) Group, Luwy Leunufna on Wednesday in Jakarta said that since the last three years, more than 2,400 workers from Indigenous Papuans (OAP) have been absorbed and will continue to grow along with the company’s expansion.
Through this worker absorption, it is hoped that the income distribution of the Papuan people can increase and their welfare can continue to improve in a sustainable manner,” he said in a written statement.
He continued by saying that overall, the employment in TSE Group has reached around 8,400 people, of which 2,400 people or 28.96 percent are indigenous Papuans.
“Currently, we are striving so that this ratio could continue to rise. Many indigenous Papuan workers hold important and strategic positions, from section heads, assistant managers to plantation managers,” he explained.
According to Luwy, with the Regional Minimum Wage (UMR) of Rp4.2 million in Merauke, that means there is a fund of Rp35 billion being distributed to employees every month.
“That allocation provides a multiplier effect for the development of the region, and this does not include taxes,” he said.
Previously, the Head of Capital Investment and One-Stop Integrated Service of Merauke Regency, Justina Sianturi said that oil palm plays a role in the development and investment in Merauke Regency by absorbing workers as many as 2,474 indigenous Papuans.
“People receive income from plasma plantations and improve their economic state while new opportunities for employment are opening up,” she said.
Another role of oil palm is the community empowerment which can drive the community’s economy as a place to market the harvest from their smallholding plantations, repair the environment, and increase community insight and knowledge.
Papuan community leader, Revd. Albert Yoku acknowledged that oil palm plantation did play a role in reducing unemployment and creating new job opportunities for thousands of people from various ethnic groups.
Another benefit is that is generates income for commnunity as customary rights owners and community around the oil palm plantations, because palm oil is the drive for regional development due to high invesments in capital that revolves around oil palm plantations.
“With these benefits of oil plam, it will be easier for us to educate the community. As a result, the negative campaign against palm oil can be overcome and people will not be easily influenced (by negative campaign),” he concluded.
Journalist: Subagyo
Editor: Budi Suyanto
Source : antaranews.com