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Palm Oil to be Appointed as National Vital Object

By 2 May 2018October 21st, 2021Industry News2 min read


BALIKPAPAN, SAWIT INDONESIA – Palm oil plantation can be appointed as national vital object because it is strategic for national economy and provide the lives of community as stipulated in Presidential Decree No. 63 Year 2004 on Security of National Vital Object.

This was stated by Brigjen Ahmad Lumumba, Director of The Security of National Vital Object (Dir Pam Obvit) Baharkam Polri (Security Maintenance Council of Indonesian National Police), in Seminar Borneo Forum II 2018, at Novotel Balikpapan Hotel, Friday (April 27, 2018).

“Palm oil has a strategic role as foreign exchange contributor, above the oil and gas sector. As President Jokowi said that palm oil is strategic,” said Brigjen Ahmad Lumumba.

Brigjen Ahmad Lumumba said, “palm oil is the biggest foreign exchange contributor for the country. So it is not an ordinary object as its contribution is immense. And it could be appointed as national vital object. Let it be arranged by related ministries.”

As explained in Presidential Decree No. 63 Year 2004 on Security of National Vital Object, the definition of national vital object is an area/location, building/installation and/or attempt related to the lives of people, the interest of the state and/or strategic source of the country income. One of the requirements for oil palm plantation as national vital object is to provide basic daily needs; and if there is any threat or disruption, it will cause calamity to the humanity and development.

Referring to that regulation, Brigjen Ahmad Lumumba said, therefore palm oil industry can be promoted as national vital object, “Hence, Polri is able to maximize the security and assistance for the vital object,” he said.

Responding to negative campaigns by NGOs on palm oil, especially the act of entering the plantation without permission to take documentation and campaign data, Brigjen Ahmad affirmed that this action could be prosecuted if a violation of law is proven.

“No one is immune, including NGOs. If there is an element of violation, it could be prosecuted legally,” he stated.


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