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Korindo Foundation Holds Bullying Prevention Seminar to Stop School Violence

By 22 February 2024October 9th, 2024Group News3 min read

Korindo Foundation handed over a certificate to the speaker of “Smart Generation Against Bullying” at Perguruan Cikini High in Jakarta, Thursday (2/22)

JAKARTA – Indonesia places fifth out of 78 countries with the most school bullying incidents, the Federation of Indonesian Teachers Associations reports. As an education enthusiast, Korindo Foundation took no time to act on the issue, joining forces with University of Indonesia graduate and psychologist Maya Sita Darlina, MS.

Darlina was asked to give a three-day bullying and violence prevention seminar on February 20-23, 2024 at three Jakartan high schools: SMA 55 Jakarta (Jakarta 55 High), SMA Fatahillah (Fatahillah High), and SMA Perguruan Cikini (Perguruan Cikini High).

Her talk covered bullying behavior, its impacts as a whole, and response strategies for victims and witnesses. Students were also given a case study as a learning material to work with.

Bullying has immense effects on perpetrators and especially targets of the behavior, which is why everyone should be concerned, said Darlina. This phenomenon has gotten even worse with cases rising among students and teachers alike. It is important for the audience to understand consequences of such act and ways to deal with it.

“School bullying has recently increased. A special focus needs to be placed on this issue by the state, private sector, and most importantly schools to prevent it from happening,” the speaker said during her interview with the PR team.

Not handling it sooner, she added, would allow this negative behavior to fester and disrupt the local educational system.

Kids were showing enthusiasm throughout the event

Both students and school staff welcomed the event. The audience, especially, followed it with interest. One after the other, they shared stories about experiencing bullying or seeing it happen to their peers.

Jakarta 55 High student Delfinata Farel said he was really excited about the seminar. He felt he was learning a valuable lesson that is also useful in his life now as a student.

“I’m glad to see an event like this at school, knowing that’s where bullying is prone to happen. I think that getting this education directly from a psychologist will help us students be more aware of the dangers and think twice about doing it,” Farel added. The seminar continued with games and souvenir handover for active participants. (PR)