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Papers Division Improves the Productivity through Efficiency and Innovation

By 29 January 2017September 29th, 2021Group News2 min read


Writing and Paper Division which located in Cileungsi, Bogor holds TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) training to improve the productivity in each division.

The Corporate Managing Director of HRD & GA of Korindo, Yi Sun Hyeong, said during the opening of TPM training before the supervisors, “I hereby open TPM training for Aspex Kumbong. Hopefully, the trainees will be able to implement and applied the knowledge in their division.”

During the training attended by 24 supervisors, Yi Sun Hyeong added that due to the current situation of the business, such as a very tight competition, we should create efficiency and innovation in every aspect.

Ko Jae Woong as the Director of Division says that the purpose of TPM is to prevent all sort of troubles in the workplace, thereby can increase the factory efficiency and minimize the number of accident in the workplace.

“We can understand more about TPM after the training. Hopefully, this training can give a positive impact to help in developing the company. Moreover, I hope that we, as trainees, will be able to apply the knowledge in accordance with our respective fields,” said Alfine Aldian as one of the trainees.

Saiful, another trainee, also said, “We, as the employees hope that this TPM training will be able to broaden our knowledge to improve the productivity for achieving the maximum result, given the situation in the business paper is strongly influenced by the competition in the electronic business that led to the decline of our ordering. Therefore, we have been trying to implement several programs to increase the good production and recapture the market.”

