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Economic Inequality is Increasingly Evident, Let’s Share with Others

By 18 April 2022August 10th, 2023Group News3 min read

Photo: Children chanting prayers prior to the opening of Korindo Foundation Charity Week

JAKARTA, April 18, 2022 – The 2021 September report of BPS (Statistics Indonesia) DKI Jakarta, which was released last January 2022, stated that there was an increase in social inequality rate between the lower and upper class people. In order to minimize this gap and help the lower class to always meet their basic needs, especially food needs, government programs or programs involving the private sector are needed.

The role of private sector is important in the government’s efforts to reduce the inequality gap and recover the economy post-pandemic due to private contributions in Indonesia’s economic structure which reached 70%. Seeing the high percentage, it is no wonder that sharing is one way to help people who are still living in poverty.

Seeing this, Korindo Group via Korindo Foundation distributed donation to the community through the Charity Week program, which is the company’s caring program for the community around the company.

This time, Korindo Foundation distributed 70 packages of staple food to the underprivileged residents and orphans, and distributed nutritious food packages for toddlers experincing stunting in Pengadegan Urban Village, South Jakarta on Monday (18/4). The aid packages include 61 packages of staple food, 8 packages of nutritious food for toddlers, and 1 package of nutritious baby food.

Photo: Manager of Korindo Foundation, Setiyono (second from left) and Head of Pengadegan Urban Village, Hifzillah (third from left) with the beneficiaries

The Head of Pengadegan Urban Village, Hifzillah, who also attended the Charity Week gave a warm welcome for the activity.

“As we know, there is an increase in prices and the economy has not fully recovered, we need to provide people with support so they can live normally and have enough in everyday life, especially toddlers who became a concern of our posyandu (integrated health post),” he explained.

Economic inequality is quite evident in Pengadegan Urban Village. Among the towering majestic buildings, there are people living in far from adequate conditions. Musripah is one of the residents with said living conditions.

Entering her middle age, Musripah has no choice but to work as a laundry worker in order to meet the needs of herself and her only child. In the midst of rising prices of staple food, she felt that her income was becoming insufficient to cover her expenses.

“My income is below 1 million rupiahs per month, it’s not enough to pay rent and other things. Therefore, with the aid distribution from Korindo Foundation, I received enough help. I am very grateful,” she said.

The Manager of Korindo Foundation, Setiyono, during the activity that took place in the Pengadegan Urban Village Office Hall, expressed hope that the donation could bring benefits to residents and blessings to the company. “I hope we can receive blessings from the Charity Week program activity. This program is a caring program for residents living around the company. This year, it was held in Pengadegan. Hopefully next year it can be held in other places as well.”

Charity Week Program is a routine program from Korindo Foundation that aims to maintain food and health security for people living around the company, especially during the holy month of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr celebration. (pr)