PANGKALAN BUN – On August 27, 2021, a public consultation was held regarding high conservation value forest (HCVF) assessment on Private Forest (HH) and Community Forest (HTR) under the management of Rimba Tiga Lestari Cooperative. The public consultation was held at the Office of Rimba Tiga Lestari Cooperative, Koridor Street, ex UT, Pangkut Urban Village, North Arut District, West Kotawaringin (Kobar) Regency, Central Kalimantan Province.
The public consultation was attended by stakeholders, namely from KPHP Unit XXII and XXVI of Kobar, Environmental Service Office (DLH) of Kobar, PT Korintiga Hutani, heads of surrounding villages, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), as well as management and members of Rimba Tiga Lestari Cooperative.
The public consultation was held to convey the results of HCVF assessment, as well as to receive inputs, suggestions, and criticisms from the stakeholders on the HCVF assessment on HH and HTR conducted by the consulting agency, PT Fodec Khatulistiwa (Bogor) from August 27-September 5, 2021.
This HCVF assessment was carried out in conjunction with social impact assessment (SIA), which aims to determine the social impacts of HH and HTR management. The HCVF and SIA assessment activities were carried out as a form of commitment from Rimba Tiga Lestari Cooperative in terms of forest management, based on the principles of sustainable forest management.
This activity was carried out with support and facilitation from PT Korintiga Hutani, which is a mentoring company as well as partner of the cooperative.
The results of HCVF and SIA assessments are expected to be used as guidelines for the management of Rimba Tiga Lestari Cooperative in managing and monitoring HCVF, as well as guidelines in managing and monitoring the social impacts of HH and HTR activities. (hms/k/ce/ala)