“Scholarship is one of various efforts of KORINDO in promoting the education in Indonesia. KORINDO understands that one of the keys to the success of sustainable development is to create high quality ”
human resources (HR)
In this September, KORINDO Foundation visited to various universities in Indonesia. Not just regular visits, but these visits are ones of KORINDO Group’s efforts in advancing the education in Indonesia. These visits are intended to give scholarships for students spread across five universities in Indonesia.
Those universities are Universitas Nasional (UNAS) in Jakarta, Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) in Yogyakarta, Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB), Universitas Indonesia (UI) in Depok, and Indonesia University of Education (UPI) in Bandung. The scholarships received by the students in five universities reached Rp125.000.000,-
The scholarships were awarded to the top-achieving students in each university. Not only as a form of support in education, but the scholarships are also forms of appreciation for the students who already attained their achievements. KORINDO is really aware of the efforts and hard work of the students in carrying out their studies. Therefore, KORINDO believes that the top-achieving students deserve to receive appreciation through scholarships.
Mr. Yi Sun Hyeong, the General Secretary of KORINDO Foundation who awarded the scholarships directly to the students during the visits to five universities. The journey of awarding scholarships started from Universitas Nasional (UNAS) Jakarta on September 4, 2018, then to UGM (Universitas Gajah Mada) Yogyakarta, and continued to Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB), Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) Bandung, and ended in Universitas Indonesia (UI) Depok on September 24, 2018.
“Really glad and proud, KORINDO is able to contribute in promoting the education in Indonesia,” Mr. Yi said during the scholarship awarding. With full of hopes, Mr. Yi also expected that the scholarship would motivate the students to work harder in learning and carrying out their studies in college. The students are expected to be able to use the scholarships properly and would be an encouragement to reach their goals and dreams.
The provision of KORINDO Foundation Scholarship is such happiness full of surprise for the students who received it. “I am very happy and do not expect to receive the scholarship. Even for now, it still feels like a dream,” said Maulidya Rahmawati, a student of UGM Yogyakarta who received the scholarship. Of course, the scholarships are such a big help for the students. One of the scholarship recipients from IPB also expressed that the KORINDO Foundation Scholarship has eased the burden of his parents.
KORINDO’s concern in improving the quality of education is not limited for the college students, but also highlighted the children of KORINDO’s employees. In 2018, KORINDO also awarded scholarships to 104 employees’ children who are the top-achieving students in their respective schools. They are the junior and senior high school students from the top 10 rank in their schools.
Uphold the Education Pillar in Indonesia
The awarding of scholarships for employees’ children and college students is not for the first time. Since 1998, KORINDO has been carrying out the scholarship program and still continues up to now. In twenty years, 729 students in Indonesia have been helped with the KORINDO Foundation scholarship. The funds distributed for scholarships already reached Rp2,088 billion, according to the record in 2017.
Scholarship is one of various efforts of KORINDO in promoting the education in Indonesia. KORINDO understands that one of the keys to the success of sustainable development is to create high quality human resources (HR). This is the basis and strong motivation for KORINDO to uphold the education pillar in Indonesia, which is manifested in Corporate Social Contribution (CSC/CSR) program.
KORINDO’s active participation in education does not stop at providing scholarships. KORINDO always ensures to maintain a good relationship with the scholarship recipients and related education institutions. KORINDO conducts scholarship reunion to gather the scholarship recipients, and also visits to various universities. This all is aimed so that the company can continue to maintain the communication while understanding the needs that should be improved in education that keep growing from time to time.
KORINDO’s dedication for two decades in education should not be questioned. Universitas Gadjah Mada also expressed the appreciation through certificate of merit to KORINDO in early August 2018 for KORINDO’s commitment in education. On the other hand, several alumni from various partner universities have also worked as employees or apprentices at KORINDO.
KORINDO’s efforts for the past twenty years would not just stop here. KORINDO is optimistic to commit in developing the country by promoting education that educates children of the nation. KORINDO will keep striving to develop CSR/CSC programs in education, even to reach the border area of Indonesia. [PR]