Inauguration of the utilization of canopy built by KHI to improve health services in Gembong Public Health Center, Friday (15/10)
TANGERANG – PT Korindo Heavy Industry (KHI), a business unit of Korindo Group specialized in construction and heavy equipment, built a canopy for Gembong Public Health Center, Tangerang, Friday (15/10). This assistance is KHI’s effort to add comfort for the public who use the health services in Gembong Public Health Center.
Facilities and infrastructure in every single public health center are one of the main parts in supporting patients’ comfort. However, if neglected without any developments, these facilities would instead provide discomfort and risk of causing impact on the health services.
This is what drove KHI to build a canopy in Gembong Public Health Center. This assistance is intended to improve comfort for every community member who use health services at the public health center.
With a size of 8 x 8.5 meters, the canopy built is able to provide shade on an open area of the public health center. General Manager of PT KHI Kwan Hwi Jin and the Head of Gembong Public Health Center Tuti inaugurated the use of this assistance through the ribbon-cutting ceremony.
Also present at the inauguration was the Head of Balaraja Subdistrict Yayat Rohiman, the Head of Facilities and Infrastructure Department of Tangerang Regency Health Service Office Elni Handayani and the Head of Balaraja Public Health Center Ai Siti Zakiah. Several apparatus of Gembong Village were also seen participating at the event.
As a representative of the local government, Yayat expressed his appreciation for KHI’s concern towards the health facilities in Balaraja region, especially in Gembong Village. He believes that the canopy provided by the company would be very useful for the people coming into the health center as well as the staff at the Gembong Public Health Center themselves.
“Today, Gembong Public Health Center is carrying out a vaccination program. At least 400 people come here every day. With a canopy built by KHI, people who line up no longer have to endure heat and rain,” said Yayat.

Handover of medical equipment donation from KHI to Gembong Public Health Center to help the implementation of COVID-19 vaccination
Meanwhile, Kwan said that KHI always contributed to the development of regions in its operational areas through the Corporate Social Contribution (CSC) programs. Especially in the field of health, which is the main necessity of the local community.
Kwan hoped that the canopy assistance from KHI could provide more convenience for residents who need health services from Gembong Public Health Center. Including those who are queuing for COVID-19 vaccination. On the other hand, the canopy is also expected to help the public health center in improving its services.
“Hopefully, this assistance can help provide the best benefits for all parties,” said Kwan.
Good relationship between KHI and Gembong Public Health Center has been established for a long time. Previously, the health center has helped providing the first and second dose of COVID-19 vaccines for KHI employees.
Meanwhile, KHI has also distributed medical equipment to the Gembong Public Health Center as COVID-19 prevention and handling efforts. The assistance provided were in the form of medical masks, medical gloves, hand sanitizers and so on.
“I hope this assistance provision can be followed by other companies located in Gembong Village,” said Tuti. (KHI)