Photo: The symbolic handover of the saplings, involving KHI rep Aji Giri and Gembong village leader Nurjen
BALARAJA – Korindo Heavy Industry (KHI) brought over hundreds of saplings to give to Gembong Village’s two farming groups at Centra Pertanian, Ampel Subvillage on Tuesday (7/30).
This move was part of “Ayo Menanam” (Let’s Plant!), a Corporate Social Contribution (CSC) initiative undertaken by Korindo Group through its subsidiary Korindo Heavy Industry. “Ayo Menanam” uses the act of planting to improve public awareness of environmental and nature preservation.
Gembong village leader, farming group representatives, and student volunteers from Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Islamic University were present during the sapling handover process.
Village leader Nurjen was very welcoming of the initiative, and expected both farming collectives, which include a female-driven group, to benefit from the donations. “I hope these young plants will be useful.”
“Ayo Menanam” is an annual program at Korindo Group and its daughter companies, KHI’s HR & GA Manager and representative Aji Giri explained. 2024 marks the second year of its run in Gembong and other villages next to Korindo’s sites.
“We hope everyone here, especially the farmers, can reap good things as a result. We look forward to keeping this program in place, so we can build a greener environment and promote the development of regional potential,” Giri said.

Gembong Village’s farming group members follow the ceremony intently

Another sapling handover from village leader to the female farming group
The handover on Tuesday falls in line with a separate program by Tangerang Regent, which was previously introduced to all villages in the regency, including Gembong.
At the moment, Gembong is joining the movement also known as Gercep (Gerakan Tanam Pangan Cepat Panen, or in English, Fast-Growing Crop Planting Movement). “In support of the state program, we provided the farmers with chili, tomato, eggplant, and red ginger saplings,” said KHI’s CSC coordinator Ahmad Al Jupri.
Korindo Group and its holdings strive to deliver social initiatives with a wide-reaching impact. We recognize that stakeholder support is key to their success, and we pledge to create sustainable programs for all. (Jupri/KHI)