Photo: Symbolic handover of PMT assistance by the General Secretary of Korindo Foundation, Seo Jeongsik to PKK Mobilization Team of Duren Tiga Urban Village, on Tuesday (15/3)
JAKARTA, MARCH 15, 2022 – Korindo Foundation showed its concern towards the nutritional health of children, especially children under five years old (toddlers), during the pandemic. The effort was carried out by holding supplementary feeding (PMT) program consisting of 150 kg of green bean seeds, 150 kg of brown sugar, and plastic cups, which were handed over to 26 toddler posyandus (toddler integrated health post) in Duren Tiga Urban Village, South Jakarta, on Tuesday (15/3).
The event was attended by the General Secretary of Korindo Foundation, Seo Jeongsik, the Head of Duren Tiga Urban Village, Muhammad Mursid, Head of PKK of Duren Tiga Urban Village, Meuthia Rachmi, and representatives from 26 posyandus. The Supplementary Feeding (PMT) was symbolically handed over by the General Secretary of Korindo Foundation to the Head of Duren Tiga Urban Village.
General Secretary of Korindo Foundation, Seo Jeongsik, hoped that the assistance from Korindo Foundation could help the posyandu, so that many people could feel the benefits. “We realize that a posyandu has an important role in improving the health quality of mothers and children. We also appreciate the efforts from Duren Tiga Urban Village for its dedication in realizing the nutritional balance of toddlers through posyandu,” he said.
The Head of Duren Tiga Urban Village, Muhammad Mursid, said that the Duren Tiga community were greatly helped by the PMT from Korindo. “Korindo has been consistently helping the local community. Korindo has set a good example to other business entities in showing their concern for the community. Prior to the PMT assistance, Korindo has also helped build a Herbal Village, which is now proven to provide benefits to the wider community,” he said.
Meanwhile, the Head of PKK of Duren Tiga Urban Village, Meuthia Rachmi, also expressed her appreciation for the PMT assistance from Korindo, especially for toddlers. “Korindo Group always helps the community in various social activities. By helping with the provision of PMT, Korindo is considered to have contributed to developing healthy and intelligent Indonesian children,” she said.
In addition to Supplementary Feeding (PMT) assistance, Korindo Foundation has always been committed to helping the community in many sectors such as health, education, MSME assistance, and other kinds of assistances. (pr)