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On friday July 4th 2012, Korindo Grouphas handed-over Rp 30 billion fund for rural development in Papua. Funds will be distributed to four villages namely : Desa Nagias, Desa Tagepe, Desa  Salamepe dan Desa Banamepe. The number of fund has been agreed by two parties, Korindo Group and the community  of four villages which supported.

The purpose of Rural Development Funds (DPD), is to help community around the area of Korindo Group to fulfill their daily needs and to build the rural future.
The development  funding will be distributed gradually for 30 years start from year 2012 to 2041. The first fund  has been handed over Rp 5,3 billion on June 29th 2012 at Kampung Tagepe and attended by Mr.Sagong Kyung Seok as a Director of Korindo Group, Mr.Arnold T.Ndiwaen (Tagepe Head Village),

Mr.Melkior Wayoken (Nakias Head Village), Mr.Benoni Sama (Salamepe Head Village), Mr.Leonard Hairu (Banamepe Head Vilalge), Mr.Herman Gebse (Ngguti Head District), Mr.Ignasius Ndiken (Head of Community Body), and Dr.Romanus Mbaraka, MT (The County Regent). The fund Rp 1,7 billion will be paid every two years and Rp 900 million will be paid in the last period.

Korindo Group is the only company which  has made an agreement to  contribute Rural Development Funds (DPD) for 30 years period in Papua.

The company also plan to build school, place of worship, public roads, and others as manifestation of their CSR program.

Korindo Group has established oil palm plantation on 2009 and has provided job field for 617 people of Ngguti District, Merauke.