Jakarta – A number of alumni who received scholarships from KORINDO Foundation gathered in an event called “The Gathering of KORINDO Foundation Scholarship Recipients Period 2003-2019” on Saturday (1/12) at KORINDO headquarters, South Jakarta.
In the occasion, Irma Ekawati, one of the students from Universitas Indonesia (UI), who received scholarship from Korindo Foundation for Yonsei Exchange program 2003, said that the scholarship from KORINDO has given added value for the students’ careers in the future. “I have experienced myself, when I applied to Korean companies, they see my background of having received a scholarship from KORINDO. They know KORINDO very well and that has made it easy for me,” said Irma Ekawati.
This event was also attended by a number of alumni from various universities in Indonesia, such as the National Academy for Foreign Languages (ABANAS) of Universitas Nasional, Faculty of Humanities of Universitas Indonesia (UI), Faculty of Language & Art Education of University of Education Indonesia (UPI), Faculty of Forestry of Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB), Yonsei Exchange Program, Graduate School of Sejong University, and students who received scholarships from KORINDO Foundation to study at Yonsei University, South Korea in 2019.
The casual and warm atmosphere was visible when they shared their experiences and impressions after receiving a scholarship from KORINDO Foundation. “Thank you to KORINDO Foundation for the scholarship aid in 2018. With this scholarship, thank God, this can be a relief fund for me to participate in competitions in Bali and Semarang. Thank God I managed to participate all of them and came out on top,” said Aminul Rifan, a student from Faculty of Forestry of Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB).

The General Secretary of KORINDO Foundation, Yi Sun Hyeong delivered his gratitude for the alumni’s attendance in this cross-generation event. “We held this event to maintain the relationship between the scholarship recipients and KORINDO Foundation. I hope through this event, you can all improve your network and share experiences with one another, in regard to education or work.
As information, it is recorded since 1998 to 2018, KORINDO Foundation has provided scholarships to 727 students with a total value of Rp2.078 billion. (pr)