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PT Korindo Ariabima Sari Supplies Free Oxygen

By 28 July 2021October 21st, 2021Group News3 min read

Gerbang Perusahaan PT. Korindo Aria Bima Sari, di Kelurahan Mendawai, Kecamatan Arut Selatan, Kobar.

PANGKALAN BUN, PPOST – The handling of the Covid-19 pandemic must be carried out in mutual cooperation. For that, as a form of support and participation in handling Covid-19 in the region of West Kotawaringin (Kobar) Regency, PT Korindo Ariabima Sari will reactivate the oxygen-generating machine and will supply the need for oxygen in Kobar, free of charge.

The oxygen supply distribution from PT Korindo Ariabima Sari was carried out considering the increasing demand for oxygen and its limited supply for handling the Covid-19 patients in Sultan Imanuddin General Hospital, Pangkalan Bun and other hospitals in Kobar.

The General Manager of PT Korindo Ariabima Sari, Rahmad Efendi said that the oxygen-generating machine had not been used for production since 2018. The machine will be operated again after seeing the current condition that the Kobar Regency Government is in need of additional oxygen supply. This is also done upon the request of Regent of Kobar, Nurhidayah.

“Due to the oxygen shortage in Kobar, our company was asked to once again run an oxygen production and we are ready to help by reactivating the oxygen-generating machine,” Rahmad Efendi said on Sunday (25/7).

For the sake of smooth oxygen generation process, his team was in coordination with a third party to obtain a feasibility certificate to certify whether the oxygen-generating machine that has not been in use for a long time in PT Korindo Ariabima Sari can still be considered feasible for production once again.

“We are grateful, it turned out the result of the assessment from the third party says that we obtained the certificate and PT Korindo Ariabima Sari is considered feasible to generate oxygen. We immediately went to work to be able to generate oxygen quickly. The initial production is planned to reach 900 large-sized tubes,” he explained.

Rahmad estimated that the oxygen could already be generated in the next two days. Therefore, the need for oxygen in both hospitals and places to treat Covid-19 positive patients in Kobar region can be handled properly and be able to help overcome the oxygen shortage in Kobar.

Meanwhile, the production carried out would only meet oxygen shortage for the next three months. It is hoped that PT Korindo Ariabima Sari’s concern and participation can help in handling Covid-19 occurred in Kobar.

Furthermore, the distribution process will be handed over directly to the company’s CSR and Kobar regional government. Later on, the distribution to hospitals will be the authority of Kobar regional government. For information, this oxygen is provided by the company for free or without charge.

“So we only run the production and to be handed over to the regency government and they will regulate the distribution process. So we do not accept requests from the general public. Hopefully this oxygen donation from PT Korindo Ariabima Sari can help the handling of Covid-19 and the pandemic will soon pass,” he concluded. (bn/P8)