I would like to congratulate Ms. Aulia who has received the scholarship from Korindo. I hope you can learn the Korean culture and education well, as well as introduce and develop Inonesian culture in Korea through positive activities.
I am Aulia Safira, usually called Fira. I am a student in the Korean language and culture study program at the University of Indonesia. I am a recipient of a scholarship from the Korindo Foundation to study at Yonsei University in Seoul, South Korea. My feelings upon receiving this scholarship are, of course, very happy because I was given the opportunity to study there for 10 months with living expenses of 4,000 USD and a plane ticket. I would like to thank the Korindo Foundation and also the lecturers of the Korean language and culture study program for entrusting me to receive this scholarship. Thank You.
Good afternoon. My name is Afrida Esther. I am the coordinator of international mobility at the University of Indonesia. This afternoon, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to the Korindo Foundation for being able to provide a scholarship to one of our students to carry out an exchange program at Yonsei University for one year. We are grateful that with this scholarship, our students can focus more on studying for one year in Korea. Then they can absorb knowledge as best they can and also learn culture from Korea and bring it back to Indonesia. And he also spread all the benefits he received to his friends at the University of Indonesia.