Palm Oil Plantation (AFP PHOTO/Saeed KHAN), Medan – The domestic palm oil processing industry was asked to produce downstream products with high added-value according to the needs of domestic and export markets. Therefore, it is necessary to increase research and development of the latest manufacturing technology to make it more competitive.
“The growth of the strong and sustainable downstream industry is due to the support of technological innovation or new products engineering, both of which rely on the ability of independent research and collaboration with international research institute,” said the Minister of Industry, Airlangga Hartarto, during his visit to PT Musim Mas in Medan Industrial Area, North Sumatra on Thursday (23/2/2017).
The Ministry of Industry seeks to facilitate the construction of spent bleaching earth (SBE) waste processing industry to be commercially operated immediately in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations because the hazardous and toxic waste materials from the cooking oil factory can be used as an alternative material for streets’ hoard and housing concrete.
“We strongly support this new innovation because it is in line with the vision of the Working Cabinet in encouraging the development of infrastructure,” he said.
He also said that they are boosting the performance of the domestic palm oil processing industry and intensify positive campaign on Indonesian CPO products to be accepted in export markets, especially in the United States and Europe.
“We, as a Committee member of the Palm Oil Advisory Board BPDP, have proposed a fare reduction, which will be discussed with other related ministry,” said Airlangga.
Moreover, the government is coordinating with manufacturers and the packaging industry to produce cooking oil products with affordable price for the middle to lower society.
The Minister of Trade stated that during his visit to PT Musim Mas, in addition to discussing about the development of palm oil processing industry, he also got to observe the production process of integrated palm oil processing from upstream CPO into various downstream products such as cooking oil, food fat, oleochemicals, and biodiesel.
“Apparently, the industrial development in PT Musim Mas is started from downstream to upstream. So, they have had a strong industrial tree that even able to penetrate the export market to dozens of countries. They are not only selling finished products, but also produce it in some of the exporting countries,” he said.
He added that the company’s strategy needs to be emulated by the national manufactures in attempts to be a world-class industry. “With an integrated strategy, Musim Mas not only produces CPO, but also has come down to consumer’s products and life style,” he said.
The Operational Director of PT Musim Mas, Herman Tandinata, said that the company has been operating in 13 countries in Asia Pacific, Europe, and the United States, involving 28,500 employees. The company produces 600,000 tons of CPO per year.
“Our business model has been fully integrated, from upstream to downstream, supported by the logistics of land and sea transport,” he said.
Musim Mas has become the first palm oil company in Southeast Asia to join the Palm Oil Innovation Group (POIG). This commitment serves as an evidence of sustainable palm oil production without deforestation, peatland clearance, violation of land tenure and labor rights.
It is also the first company in Indonesia to be certified RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) for all of its plantation assets with an area of 25,918 ha. The company is trying to produce methane gas by installing gas trap throughout the factory.
The Director General of Agro Industry of the Ministry of Industry, Panggah Susanto, said that in an attempt to encourage the expansion of industrial investment, the government will provide concrete convenience for investors in order to improve the ease of doing business and create industrial efficiency through various economic policy packages that have been published.
In line with this commitment, the Ministry of Industry has also initiated the provision of competitive gas price for industry, particularly the oleochemical, food, biofuels, and industrial area utility sectors.
“The domestic industrial products will be more competitive if the production cost can be reduced through a competitive natural gas price as in other countries,” he said.
Panggah said that palm oil has the potential to become a major supplier of global vegetable oil market because of it has higher productivity than other vegetable oils. “The world demand of vegetable oil in 2020 is estimated to reach 210 million tons, and in 2050 will reach 365 million tons,” he said.
However, according to Panggah, conventional export markets, especially in the EU, are still running a negative campaign related to the environment and trade barriers on imported CPO and downstream products from Indonesia. “The issues need to be addressed soon, but on the other hand, non-conventional markets such as countries in Central Asia, South Asia, and Eastern Europe which are growing rapidly, need to be explored more intensively,” he said.
Downstream policy
On the occasion, the Minister of Industry said that the government has also stipulated National Policy on Palm Oil Downstream Industry and has always been consistent to grow domestic palm oil processing industry. “We are committed to arrange and implement pro-palm oil downstream industry growth policy, so that new investments and downstream industry expansion can keep continue,” he said.
The Ministry of Industry has directed the growth of palm oil processing industry to produce various sophisticated downstream products, including super edible oil, golden nutrition, bio-plastic, bio-surfactants, to green fuel. “In the medium-term, we prioritize our efforts to increase investment on palm oil processing industry to anticipate the growth in number of raw material production which is expected to reach 40 million tons of CPO in 2020,” said Airlangga.
He thought that palm oil industry from upstream to downstream is one of the strategic sectors that contribute significantly to the national economy, including through exports performance, employment, public welfare distribution, and contribution to the state revenue.
Based on the data of BPS until September 2016, the export value of palm oil downstream products was US$ 13.3 billion or has exceeded the export value of crude oil and gas.
“There are 54 kinds of downstream products. Palm oil upstream-downstream industrial sector has contributed US$ 20 billion to the foreign exchange in the annual average,” he added. Meanwhile, for non-tax revenues, palm oil sector contributes Rp 12 trillion per year, collected from the exports in the form of plantation funds and customs. (Reza Efendi)
Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit (AFP PHOTO/Saeed KHAN), Medan – Industri pengolahan minyak sawit di dalam negeri diminta untuk menghasilkan produk hilir yang bernilai tambah tinggi sesuai kebutuhan pasar domestik dan ekspor. Untuk itu, diperlukan peningkatan kegiatan penelitian dan pengembangan teknologi manufaktur terbaru agar lebih berdaya saing.
“Pertumbuhan industri hilir yang tangguh dan berkelanjutan itu karena ditopang oleh inovasi teknologi atau rekayasa produk baru, baik yang mengandalkan kemampuan riset mandiri maupun kolaborasi dengan lembaga riset internasional,” kata Menteri Perindustrian Airlangga Hartarto ketika mengunjungi PT. Musim Mas di Kawasan Industri Medan, Sumatera Utara, Kamis (23/2/2017).
Salah satunya, Kementerian Perindustrian berupaya memfasilitasi pembangunan industri pengolahan limbah spent bleaching earth (SBE) agar segera beroperasi komersial sesuai peraturan dan perundangan yang berlaku. Pasalnya, limbah B3 dari pabrik minyak goreng tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan alternatif untuk urugan jalan raya dan beton pemukiman.
“Kami sangat mendukung terobosan ini karena sejalan dengan visi Kabinet Kerja dalam mendorong pembangunan infrastruktur,” tegasnya.
Airlangga juga menyampaikan, pihaknya sedang memacu kinerja industri pengolahan minyak sawit dalam negeri serta mengintensifkan kampanye positif terhadap produk CPO Indonesia agar diterima pasar ekspor terutama Amerika Serikat dan Eropa.
“Kami sebagai salah satu Anggota Komite Dewan Pengarah BPDP Kelapa Sawit, juga telah mengusulkan penurunan tarif, yang nantinya akan dibahas bersama kementerian terkait lainnya,” ujar Airlangga.
Selain itu, pemerintah tengah berkoordinasi dengan produsen dan industri pengemasan agar dapat menghasilkan produk minyak goreng yang harganya dapat terjangkau bagi masyarakat khususnya kalangan menengah ke bawah.
Menperin menyatakan, selain berdiskusi mengenai pengembangan industri pengolahan minyak sawit, kunjungan kerjanya ke PT. Musim Mas ini juga melihat secara langsung proses produksi pengolahan minyak sawit yang terintegrasi dari hulu CPO menjadi aneka produk hilir seperti minyak goreng, lemak pangan, oleokimia, dan biodiesel.
‘Ternyata di Musim Mas ini, pengembangan industrinya dimulai dari hilir, baru gerak ke hulu. Jadi, pohon industrinya mereka sudah kuat, bahkan mampu menembus pasar ekspor ke puluhan negara. Mereka tidak hanya menjual dalam bentuk produk jadi, tetapi memproduksinya di beberapa negara ekspor itu,” paparnya.
Untuk itu, lanjut Airlangga, strategi perusahaan tersebut perlu dicontoh oleh manufaktur nasional dalam upaya menjadi industri kelas dunia. “Dengan yang dilakukan secara terintegrasi oleh Musim Mas, produk yang dihasilkan tidak hanya CPO saja, tetapi sudah menurun ke produk consumer dan life style,” ujarnya.
Direktur Operasional PT. Musim Mas Herman Tandinata mengatakan, perusahaan telah beroperasi di 13 negara di Asia Pasifik, Eropa, dan Amerika Serikat dengan melibatkan sebanyak 28.500 karyawan. Perusahaan ini memproduksi 600.000 ton minyak sawit mentah per tahun.
“Bisnis model kami sudah terintegrasi penuh, mulai dari hulu sampai ke hilir, dengan didukung logistik angkutan darat dan laut,” ujarnya.
Musim Mas menjadi perusahaan kelapa sawit pertama di Asia Tenggara yang bergabung dengan Palm Oil Innovation Grup (POIG). Komitmen ini menjadi bukti produksi minyak sawit yang berkelanjutan tanpa deforestasi, pembukaan lahan gambut, pelanggaran kepemilikan tanah dan hak buruh.
Musim Mas juga sebagai perusahaan pertama di Indonesia yang mendapat sertifikat Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) untuk seluruh aset perkebunannya dengan luas 25.918 hektare. Perusahaan tengah berusaha memproduksi gas metana dengan memasang perangkap gas di seluruh pabriknya.
Dirjen Industri Agro Kemenperin Panggah Susanto menyampaikan, dalam upaya mendorong perluasan investasi industri, pemerintah akan memberikan kemudahan konkret bagi para investor. Hal ini dalam rangka memperbaiki indeks kemudahan berusaha (ease of doing business) dan menciptakan efisiensi industri melalui berbagai paket kebijakan ekonomi yang telah diterbitkan.
Sejalan dengan komitmen tersebut, Kemenperin juga telah menginisiasi pemberian harga gas yang kompetitif bagi industri, khususnya sektor oleochemical, pangan, bahan bakar nabati, dan utilitas kawasan industri.
“Produk industri dalam negeri akan lebih mampu bersaing apabila biaya produksi dapat ditekan melalui harga gas bumi yang kompetitif seperti di negara lainnya,’ tegasnya.
Panggah mengungkapkan, minyak sawit berpotensi menjadi pemasok utama pasar minyak nabati dunia, karena produktivitasnya lebih tinggi dibanding minyak nabati lainnya. “Kebutuhan minyak nabati dunia tahun 2020 diperkirakan mencapai 210 juta ton dan pada tahun 2050 mencapai 365 juta ton,” ungkapnya.
Namun demikian, menurut Panggah, pasar ekspor konvensional khususnya di wilayah Uni Eropa masih melakukan kampanye negatif terkait lingkungan dan hambatan perdagangan atas impor CPO dan produk hilir asal Indonesia. “Masalah ini perlu segera diatasi, tetapi di lain pihak, pasar non-konvensional seperti negara di Asia Tengah, Asia Selatan, dan Eropa Timur yang tumbuh pesat perlu digarap lebih intensif,” ujarnya.
Kebijakan hilirisasi
Pada kesempatan tersebut, Menperin mengungkapkan, Pemerintah juga telah menetapkan Kebijakan Nasional Hilirisasi Industri Kelapa Sawit dan senantiasa konsisten untuk menumbuhkan industri pengolahan kelapa sawit di dalam negeri. “Kami berkomitmen menyusun dan menerapkan kebijakan yang pro-pertumbuhan industri hilir kelapa sawit, sehingga investasi baru serta perluasan di bidang industri hilir dapat terus berjalan,” tuturnya.
Kemenperin telah mengarahkan pertumbuhan industri pengolahan minyak sawit untuk menghasilkan aneka produk hilir canggih, di antaranya super edible oil, golden nutrition, bio plastic, bio surfactant, hingga green fuel. “Dalam jangka menengah, kami memprioritaskan upaya peningkatan investasi industri pengolahan sawit untuk mengantisipasi pertumbuhan jumlah produksi bahan baku yang diharapkan mencapai 40 juta ton CPO pada tahun 2020,” papar Airlangga.
Menurutnya, industri kelapasawit dari hulu sampai hilir merupakan salah satu sektor strategis yang memberikan kontribusi signifikan bagi perekonomian nasional, antara lain melalui kinerja nilai ekspor, penyerapan tenaga kerja, pemerataan kesejahteraan masyarakat, dan kontribusi pada penerimaan negara.
Berdasarkan data BPS sampai bulan September 2016, tercatat nilai ekspor produk hilir sawit sebesar US $13.3 miliar atau telah melebihi nilai ekspor minyak dan gas bumi.
“Produk hilir mencapai 54 jenis. Secara rata-rata tahunan, sektor industri kelapa sawit hulu-hilir menyumbang US $20 miliar pada devisa negara,” imbuh Airlangga. Sedangkan, khusus bagi pendapatan bukan pajak, sektor perkelapasawitan menyumbang Rp 12 triliun per tahun, yang dipungut atas ekspornya dalam bentuk dana perkebunan dan bea keluar. (Reza Efendi)