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One Step Ahead Vol.4 Edition 7 2021

By 27 April 2021October 22nd, 2021Publication7 min read

Editorial Message

Greetings Readers of One Step Ahead,
We have together passed the year of 2020. The coronavirus (Covid-19) which spread since the end of 2019 in China and ‘approached’ Indonesia in March 2020 has made last year a difficult moment for all of us.

Covid-19 has claimed a large number of victims, causing the governments all over the world to agree in restricting social and economic activities. Indonesia is no exception. The government enforced regional quarantine, implemented Working from Home (WFH) policy, online schooling, and various other things.

The impact was strongly felt by the Indonesian people, especially with the pressure on the economy. Not to mention the natural disasters that hit the country one after another.

Seeing these numerous adversities, Korindo Group were moved to offer help. A real and tremendous concern was shown by this private business entity in the country. Donations were provided to the field of education, economy, and infrastructure which were distributed to various regions.

The presence of Covid-19 also forced many changes in people’s lives. This change is not a choice, but something that must be implemented so we would be able to adapt in the amid pandemic disruption. Korindo Group also tried to keep up with the flow of changes which will be shown in this 7th edition magazine. Health protocols that are increasingly strict are being enforced in each subsidiary company, accompanied with educational activities to provide an in-depth understanding of Covid-19 to employees.

Activities that were previously held face-to-face must also change their formats. Human resources (HR) development training is held with the new normal policy which prioritize the use of technology. This adjustment illustrates the company’s efforts to continue to innovate during the current limitations.

To close our foreword, the Editorial team is asking the entire big family of Korindo Group to stand together during the pandemic. Following the health protocols is a must for the sake of everyone. New determination and innovation need to carried out continously to bring a change toward good.

We hope that what we present in the 7th Edition of 2021 of this One Steap Ahead Magazine can be beneficial for you. Happy reading.

Korindo Group’s Commitment in Facing Covid-19

JAKARTA – The management of Korindo Group and its subsidiaries across Indonesia have been consistently implementing the prevention of the spread of coronavirus (Covid-19). This includes in each company’s internal environment.

In his new year’s remarks, Senior Vice Chairman of Korindo Group Robert Seung emphasized on the importance of health protocols in order to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus. Discipline and consistency are the keys to protecting all parties.

“Protecting ourselves from infection is as important as protecting our colleagues and the Indonesian people. Behaviour in preventing transmission in the work environment must be applied to each of us,” he said.

Various methods are used to prevent the spread of the virus while providing a sense of security and comfort to all employees in supporting their performance productivity. For instance, PT Kenertec Power System (KPS), which has been on alert and regularly conducting health campaign directly to its employees since the pandemic hit Indonesia in March 2020.

In addition to providing education, KPS also immediately started using a thermal scanner to all employees upon entering the work area. It is hoped that this early precaution will protect workers as well as the surrounding community. Individual health support facilities were also given attention. Masks and antiseptic liquidsare given to the community as part of efforts to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Multivitamins were also provided for all employees to maintain immunity and prevent sickness. Hand washing stations are also provided at several locationsat the company, so there is no doubt employees can get access to them easily.

As one of the ultimate preventive activities, PT KPS regularly sterilizes the environment. At least one to two times a week, a disinfection is carried out in the company lobby and other work areas to keep the environment clean.

A regular cleaning is also carried out by PT Bimaruna Jaya (BRJ). The company, which its headquarters located in Cakung, North Jakarta, performs weekly cleaning every Friday involving representatives from all divisions. Cleaning activities are also carried out daily by each employee, but on a smaller scale, 15 minutes before starting work.

Just like other Korindo Group’s subsidiaries, PT BRJ also provides hand washing stations and hand sanitizers in all areas or divisions. These facilities can be used at any time by employees, as well as guests.

Meanwhile, PT Korindo Heavy Industry (KHI) also carries out Covid-19 prevention activities since the beginning. Several steps taken were mainly related to socialization program to employees, such as putting up posters and banners about warnings and prevention against coronavirus.

Every employee who comes to work must go through body temperature check to ensure their physical condition. If there is an employee with a body temperature above 37 degrees Celsius, he/she is not allowed to work and is given permission to seek treatment at a hospital health facility in accordance with the BPJS Health membership they have.

PT KHI is also making effortsin compliance with the protocol recommended by the government to break the chain of coronavirus spread, namely by maintaining distance. This effort is implemented by changing the layout of the employee workplace in each section.

Crowd restrictions are also implemented on vehicles. Each company car can only be used for a maximum of three passengers. Warnings to every employee who does not wear a mask are also regularly carried out.

PT KHI also provides vitamin supplements to employees every week. Hand washing stations with running water and soap, as well as hand sanitizers are placed at each entrance, toilet and production area.

Similar facilities are also provided by PT Gelora Mandiri Membangun (GMM). At one location of the company’s work area, Camp Kabob, Gane Dalam Village, South Halmahera, a hand washing station equipped with soap was built.

The facilities were built at several locations, namely division I to III and logistic warehouses. The existence of these hand washing stations is expected to increase public awareness of the importance of keeping their hands clean before and after carrying out work.

PT GMM also provides masks to employees across departments and divisions. This assistance is provided to make it easier for workers to implement health protocols in order to prevent the spread of coronavirus in the company environment. Apart from internal area of the company or factory area, the company also gives attention to worship places. In mid-June 2020, PT GMM carried out disinfection at An-Nur Mosque as a measure to prevent the spread of coronavirus in worship places.

To maximize the prevention efforts, PT GMM evenregularlycarries out body temperature check on all crew members upon arriving at the company-owned dockused for loading and unloading passengers and cargo, (din/pr)