Papua (ANTARA) – Education is one of the keys to improve human resources quality for the success of a nation’s development. However, not everyone has easy access to education. Especially for children living the border and remote areas, with minimum public facilities and infrastructure.
Having realized this, Korindo through its business units, particularly the ones located in Merauke and Boven Digoel, Papua, is committed to contribute in improving education for children in the regions. Korindo’s commitment is felt through the scholarship provided regularly to encourage them to gain higher education.
It is recorded up to June 2019, Korindo, which is located to Papua, have provided scholarships valued at least Rp74 million for 124 students. These students come from various education levels, namely 53 elementary students, 37 junior high school students, 20 vocational school students, and 14 chidren from Getentiri Village, who were sent to colleges in Merauke, Papua.
This scholarship is positively welcomed by the students. “We are truly grateful for Korindo, and we promise we will study better in the future,” said one of the students of SMKN 1 Jair, Boven Digoel, Dominikus Bokavi, speaking on behalf of his friends.
Korindo’s scholarships, which are always given every year, have also managed to bring benefits for them to gain higher education. It is proven that this year, 4 children from Boven Digoel, Papua, which are children of customary rights owners, managed to receive scholarships from the government to study at Stiper Agricultural Institute Yogyakarta.
This was successfully accomplished due to the assistance from the company, that has been providing counseling and coaching until the scholarships are received.
“I hope with this assistance, the children of Papua can be more motivated and excited to study and will bring benefits for the nation and country in the future,” said the General Manager of Public Relations of Korindo Papua, Mr. Chinguk Cheong.
Not only scholarships, Korindo also provides various facilities that can support a maximum learning process. For example, some time ago, Korindo Papua has inaugurated male and female dormitories in Merauke Regency. The dormitories, provided by Korindo, were dedicated to the students, so they could have a decent place to live, so they can focus on studying, be independent, and discipline themselves.
As many as 22 students are staying in the dormitories. They continue to receive higher education at Musamus Merauke University with their chosen majors.
“This becomes a serious commitment from Korindo Group to improve the quality of human resources in remote areas,” Daniel Sim Ayomi, as the Deputy GM of Public Relations Korindo Papua, explained.
Ayomi hoped, Korindo Group’s contribution in education can be followed by other companies, particularly the ones located in remote areas. This is considered important in order to help improve the quality of human resources in Indonesia.