Jakarta – The awareness on nutrition fulfillment since early age is one of the important factors to form qualified human resources. This becomes the basis for Korindo to help contribute through Corporate Social Contribution (CSC) programs in health. One of them is Supplementary Feeding Program (PMT) in the form of milk, biscuits, and nutritional food for babies and toddlers living around the company’s area.

It is recorded that during the period of March – June 2019, as many as 932 babies and toddlers in 12 integrated health posts (posyandu) in Pancoran sub-district have been facilitated by this program. In addition, Korindo also continues to be in coordination with the Team of Empowerment and Family Welfare (PKK) at village and sub-district levels in order to prevent cases of malnutrition.
This is a collaboration program with integrated health posts in Pancoran sub-district since 2016. Every month, no less than 200 parents come to partner integrated health posts for their children’s weight measurement and health examination. This shows that the level of awareness from the parents over their babies and toddlers’ health is quite high.
The Head of the Driving Team of PKK of Pancoran Sub-district, Dr. Dewi Mayanti, who was present and gave lecture to the posyandu cadres during Gebyar Kesehatan Masyarakat (people’s health event) at Tiga Durian Child Friendly Integrated Public Space (RPTRA), Pancoran last june, appreciated the steps taken by Korindo, that is consistent in their efforts to improve the quality of people’s health in Pancoran sub-district. [rezza lazuardi/cscjkt]