Cases of malnutrition in Asmat Regency, Papua, surprised many parties. In other regions, including Boven Digoel Regency, it is almost the same. But because of the active role of the private sector there who always provide assistance and counseling intensively, cases of malnutrition are quickly handled.
Like what the Korindo Group does through the Asiki Clinic. Doctors and medical personnel conduct various counseling and provide various assistance to remote residents. Even though the mobile clinic program, the medical staff from the South Korean palm oil company went directly to the corners of the village.
The head of the Asiki Clinic Dr. Firman Jayawijaya said that reducing maternal mortality had become the goal of the establishment of the Asiki Clinic. Even the clinic located in Asiki Village, Jair District, Boven Digoel Regency, Papua, operates 24 hours. Not only serving every patient who visits, the doctors often conduct health education through schools, radio, to remote villages.
In fact, not infrequently, every week doctors and medical personnel from the Asiki Clinic go directly to the remote villages along the rivers and tributaries of Digoel. Like what Doctor Firda did when working in Ujungkia Village. For three hours, a team of health workers along the Digoel river by motorboat.
Arriving at the location, at that time there were around 50 more enthusiastic residents lining up to register to check for various illnesses he suffered. The area on the banks of the river is indeed far from health facilities. Only a boat can be used for treatment at the health center or clinic.
Yosinta (20), one of the villagers, admitted that she was greatly helped by a mobile clinic that visited her village. “Because it’s here far from the clinic or doctor. So we were very helped by the doctors who visited here, “he told Plantation Media.
Not only giving various free treatments. Through the Korindo Group Mobile Clinic, medical staff also provide information about the importance of maintaining health. Various health needs, such as medicines, milk, and others are also given free of charge.
The Asiki Clinic was inaugurated on September 2, 2017, and this seems to be the mainstay of the community. The clinic which has various modern facilities does not only serve residents of three districts in Boven Digoel. Even residents from Papua New Guinea often seek treatment at the Asiki Clinic.
The Asiki Clinic, previously located within the company area. However, because the local residents had difficulty accessing directly, the Asiki Clinic was established outside the company’s area. “One of the reasons the clinic was built outside the company is to facilitate access for the surrounding community,” said Doctor Firman, who has joined since 2005.
Firman said, not a few people complained that if they wanted to go to the clinic they had to enter the company area and go through the checkpoint. Finally, Korindo management decided to build a clinic outside the company’s area. The Asiki Clinic is the main clinic built by Korindo Group. Whereas other clinic destinations are in the company’s area.
Improving health services to the surrounding community is one of the goals of the establishment of the Asiki Clinic. Not only that, but the Company also equips clinics with various modern equipment like hospitals in the Regency or in big cities and is supported by more professional human resources.
Reducing maternal and neonatal mortality is also the goal of the Asiki Clinic. Understandably in Boven Digoel, maternal and under-five mortality rates are still quite high. Likewise with tropical infectious diseases in Papua, such as malaria, HIV / AIDS, and TBC.
“Because of this condition, Korindo, which is very concerned about health, wants to build a representative clinic. So that people do not need to go far to seek treatment, “said the Word again.

The Asiki Clinic itself emphasizes preventive prevention. Because of that, the doctors went to the villages twice in one month. With the mobile service program carried out 4-5 times in one month, health workers also go to remote, outermost and border areas.
More importantly, the Asiki Clinic also prevents people from getting sick. “We also bring service closer. Their access to the city or to the Puskesmas is quite far. So we came to them. So that is the company’s goal that is very concerned about health, “said Firman again.
The Asiki Clinic is strengthened by five doctors, 12 nurses, two dental nurses, two midwives, an analyst, a pharmacist, and several administrative staff. In the near future, the 1,720 square meter clinic will also be equipped with specialist doctors, namely teeth, internal medicine, and children.
Changing the mindset of indigenous Papuans who are more inclined to treat diseases traditionally is a challenge for Asiki Clinic doctors. No wonder the prevention of disease is often late handled. “The process of giving birth is still traditional and unwilling to health workers. So first aid is a bit late, “said Firman.
To stimulate the public to care about their health, especially babies, the clinic also made a program in the form of giving gifts in the form of maternity supplies containing baby clothes, extra food, diapers, and vitamins. That’s why medical personnel always provide education and counseling to prevent them from coming to the clinic.
“We are not proud that patients who come to the clinic reach up to 14 thousand in this year. We try to reduce patient visits. Because when they are sick it takes a lot of money, and time, “said the Word. Firman acknowledged the highest maternal and infant mortality rates in Papua. There is also much malnutrition found here. That is why reducing death and malnutrition is a big goal for the company.
The ease of obtaining health services is one of the basic rights that must be obtained by all Indonesian citizens. Therefore, the mobile service health service of the Asiki Clinic, which directly visits people in rural areas, is one of the ways KORINDO contributes to improving public health and bringing change to Indonesia in area 3 T (Leading, Outermost and Disadvantaged).