Building an environment-based business is not easy. Moreover, if it is built in the border region where the infrastructure is inadequate. However, there is also a need for the government and the community to develop the border area which now is going to be a homeland of the Republic of Indonesia.
The Ministry of Villages, Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (Ministry of PDT) has designed several programs and development policies in the border areas. The image of the border region should not be considered as a kitchen, but should be a terrace for the country. As a leading area for our homes that function to welcome guests.
One of the government’s programs is to invite business people to invest in border areas. With the increase in investment, it is expected to be in line with the development of the region.
KORINDO is one example of success in building conducive investments in border areas, namely in Boven Digoel and Merauke, Papua. Even though infrastructure is still minimal, KORINDO has successfully built a business and made a significant contribution to the local government and the surrounding community. The Papua region is one of the regions that is excellent in the development of the forestry industry because of its vast, fertile landscape, and most of it is still not being utilized optimally. The forestry industry is the largest contributor to the Papua Province’s Original Revenue (PAD), in addition to the mining industry. Papua is also an area with culture which is also still very original as one of the cultural riches of the archipelago.
For this reason, KORINDO has developed an environmentally friendly industry concept through the development of forestry and oil palm plantations. Through this industrial development, Korindo contributes to absorbing labor, especially in Papua, which has absorbed 10,000 workers.
Other contributions in the form of infrastructure development and economic development in the form of PAD, specifically for Merauke and Boven Digoel districts contribute up to ± 60%. KORINDO also supports by establishing education and medical facilities. These medical facilities include the construction of the Asiki Clinic, a modern clinic located in the interior, in 2017 the Asiki Clinic was awarded the best clinic at the Papua level by the BPJS Health version.
In addition to the main services provided directly at the clinic, the Asiki Clinic also implements a new program in the form of “Mobile Service” to remote villages and borders in the area around the company located in Boven Digoel Regency, Papua. The aim of this program is to improve access and utilization of health services and increase accessibility of medical services for the regions. While the target is aimed at improving the health of pregnant women and infants or toddlers in Boven Digoel Regency.

Received the Padmamitra Award
In carrying out its commitment to the community, KORINDO has made efforts to build sustainable communities in various fields through Corporate Social Contribution (CSC / CSR) programs. These efforts are in accordance with the company’s philosophy of building harmonious, beneficial and sustainable relationships between the community and stakeholders in order to achieve progress and prosperity. Our CSC activities focus on strategic, systematic and sustainable programs through 5 main program pillars, namely Education, Health, Economy, Environment and Infrastructure.
Evidently, in 2018 KORINDO won the Padmamitra Award through one of its business units in Papua, PT Tunas Sawa Erma (TSE) in the category of remoteness handling by the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. Padmamitra Award is the highest award given by the state to the business world for its contribution and attention to the social conditions of the community. The assessment of the awardees’ performance was carried out directly by the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs together with the CSR Kessos Forum.
TSE won an award in handling remoteness through a health care program for people in the 3T (Disadvantaged, Frontier and Outermost) areas. TSE is considered to have consistently contributed with high dedication in providing health services through the implementation of various Social Contribution (CSC / CSR) programs in the health sector.
Building a Harmonious and Sustainable Life
The track record of the existence of KORINDO is indeed felt at Asiki starting from the construction of religious facilities, economic empowerment (markets, playgrounds, community gardens, road construction, vocational training centers, hospitals, etc.) The government needs partners like this not only managing businesses but also empowering communities.
Although Asiki is dominated by Christians, the harmonious nuances of the people in this small city are felt. In Asiki City there is a mosque built by Korindo. With the capacity to accommodate up to 1,000 worshipers, this mosque is quite large and always very full on Friday prayers. It is no different from the mosques on the island of Java which were crowded during Friday prayers. This mosque is very complete with facilities, starting from a large courtyard, there are PAUD schools and even equipped with madrassas. Beside this mosque, even a very large and beautiful park was built as a playground for children and Asiki residents. Feels not in Papua when in this environment.
How is the economic life? The market in the city of Asiki is a manifestation of the economy of the people there. In this Asiki City, the market is very crowded. Hundreds of traders of various agricultural products peddled their plantation products and buyers were also crowded. The merchandise in charge looks very fresh. Apart from plantation products, in this market there are also those who sell textiles, and other basic necessities.
Since the establishment of Korindo 50 years ago, the company continues to invest continuously to develop existing businesses on the border for decades to come. This is a commitment of KORINDO to try and contribute to the State of Indonesia and the Papua region in particular.