Bogor (Antaranews Megapolitan) – As many as 500 plastic bags filled with garbage were being picked up from Ciliwung River, Bogor City, in a river clean-up action held by Bogor City Government and Korindo Group, Saturday.
The Ciliwung River Clean-Up Action was intertwined with the National River Day which falls on July 27th, involving 200 people consisting of Korindo employees, elements of Muspika (sub-district authorities), and the local residents.
Organic and non-organic wastes were gathered from the Ciliwung River within the distance of approximately one kilometer, starting right before Sempur Bridge to Lebak Kantin Suspension Bridge.
The Head of Environment Agency (DLH) of Bogor City, Elia Buntang, stated that the role of private sectors in protecting the environment is very much needed, especially for Ciliwung River which holds an important meaning not only for Bogor citizens, but also the citizens of Depok and Jakarta as a downstream area.
“The environmental cleanliness of a river is not only a responsibility held by the government, but all parties, such as the community and private sectors,” Elia said.
Meanwhile, the Head of Organizing Committee of Korindo Group Ciliwung Clean-Up Action, J. Andre Roberto said the Ciliwung River Clean-Up Action is a social concern activity from the company that is committed towards the environment.
He stated that a river is a source of water and life, particularly the Ciliwung River that flows directly to Jakarta. As a company based in Jakarta, he felt the responsibility to participate in protecting it
“So this is a routine activity held every year, starting from 2014, we are consistent in conducting the Ciliwung River Clean-Up Action,” said Andre.
The clean-up action involved Korindo Group employees, as well as the residents living in the outskirts of Ciliwung River. This activity is also a part of education towards the people, so they would not throw away garbage into the river, and maintain the preservation of the river.
“This action is not a one-time event, but must be done continuously, especially to build awareness of people living in the drainage basin. This small activity becomes a drive to maintain hygiene and the quality of the river,” Andre said.
Meanwhile, 500 bags with 20kg capacity, filled with various kinds of garbage, from plastic waste, Styrofoam, fabrics, and other organic wastes, were picked up and sent to landfill using a number of garbage trucks from the Cleaning Agency of Bogor City.