Representatives of Aspex Kumbong posing together with Posyandu Tulip II following the Supplementary Food Provision and health counseling at Posyandu Tulip II, Cileungsi, Wednesday (2/12)
BOGOR, DECEMBER 7, 2021 — PT Aspex Kumbong distributed a donation in the form of Supplementary Food Provision (PMT) at Posyandu Tulip II and III (Tulip II and III Integrated Health Post) in RW 01 Dayeuh Village, Cileungsi, Bogor, Wednesday and Thursday (2-3/12). This activity is the company’s efforts in improving the health of Indonesian people starting from the health of children as well as of pregnant and nursing women.
Aspex Kumbong is a business unit of Korindo Group specialized in paper and tissue production. Having been in operation since 1983, the company often carries out its social responsibility in various fields, including health.
The General Manager of Aspex Kumbong Kim Geun Tai said that the Supplementary Food Provision (PMT) is a form of the company’s concern for the health of the surrounding community. In particular, for pregnant and nursing women, who play an important role in creating the next bright generation.
Kim mentioned that similar activities would continue to be held in a wider range. “Therefore, people can feel the positive impact of Aspex Kumbong’s existence, especially in regard to the improvement of the rate of maternal and child health,” he said.
Not only the PMT, Aspex Kumbong also provides health education and counseling for mothers with children under five years of age (toddlers). In cooperation with health workers at Posyandu Tulip II and III, Aspex Kumbong conducted weight and height measurements while also providing immunization. This event was attended by at least 200 toddlers.
A cadre of Posyandu Tulip III Neni expressed her deep appreciation for the program from Aspex Kumbong. According to her, a posyandu plays a major role in the community. Apart from providing benefits for toddlers, activities held by a posyandu are also intended for pregnant women, nursing mothers, and couples of childbearing age.
Through this activity, Neni said her team felt truly supported in running the programs at posyandu. “We hope that this activity can continue on in the future,” she said.
In addition to health, Aspex Kumbong often carries out social responsibility programs in economic, social, environmental, and educational sectors. These series of programs are the company’s efforts in building a good and harmonious relationship between the company and the local community. (Aspex Kumbong)