Sinar Digoel (Page. 6) 2nd Week/Feb/15
Asiki (Sinar Digoel) – Nowadays, there has been many companies that conduct CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) programs; from companies that are obliged to conduct the programs due to regulations, to companies that are really serious in implementing the programs.
When a company ignores the balance of the stakeholders (customers, employees, communities, government, and business partners), there will be disruptions in humans and the environments around the company which can cause reactions such as public protests of the local communities or damages to the surrounding environment due to the company’s activities that ignores the balance.
The concern of PT Korindo in Asiki – Boven Digoel to the local communities around the company’s area is now increasing. This can be seen through one of their CSR programs by providing free medical care for the people around their area.
Hundreds of people (302 people) in Ujung Kia Village, Ki District – Tanah Merah received free medical treatment from the CSR program conducted by PT Korindo for the people around their area.
302 people of Ujung Kia, who attend in the free medical treatment, had been suffering from various disease over the years. “We are serving 302 people who come for treatment and most of them have Respiratory Infection (Ispa), and some of them are suffering from skin disease,” said dr. Finnan Jayawijaya, the doctor on duty.
The diseases caused by the weather changes and immune deficiencies are expected to be treated with the free medical treatment program by PT Korindo.
“The disease is caused by the weather changes and immune deficiency. We hope that it could be prevented when the immune system of the people are better,” said Firman.
When asked on how to overcome the disease, Firman plainly says that through the treatment this time, they were getting to know the type of the disease suffered by many people of Ujung Kia. So, they will prepare more medicines for the next visit.
“We already know the type of the disease inflicted by most people in the village. Therefore, we will prepare more medicines to treat it,” he said.
Firman also said that the free medical treatment provided by PT Korindo for the local communities will not be done this one time, but it will continue and they will cooperate with the health centers in the area to monitor the condition of patients who have been treated.
“This treatment program is not going to stop here, but we would like to follow up for several weeks. We will come again to provide the treatment and after that, we will cooperate with the health centers in the area to monitor the condition of the patients who have been treated,” said Firman.
Talking about his hopes for the local communities who have received the treatment, Firman hopes this program can run well henceforth, and health is not just the responsibility of the government or companies, but our common responsibility.
“With this program, we hope that the people can keep clean and live nore healthy because it can help to prevent disease,” said Firman.(uni)
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