Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Indonesia, Tropical Forest Foundation (TFF), and The Nature Conservancy (TNC) give full support to Korindo Group

PHOTO: Hartono Prabowo, Country Manager of FSC Indonesia explaining the importance of FSC certification at Korindo Group Kick-Off Meeting titled “Korindo Group for 2022 FSC Certification”
JAKARTA – In order to run its commitment in continuing its business development in the field of natural resources with the principles of sustainability, Korindo Group held a kick-off meeting titled, “ Korindo Group for 2022 FSC Certification.” This event was held in Korindo headquarters in Jakarta not long ago. A number of organizations were also present and gave their full support, including Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Indonesia, Tropical Forest Foundation (TFF), and The Nature Conservacy (TNC).
The kick-off meeting became a milestone to improve the quality of sustainable natural forest management and industrial forest plantation in Indonesia. This meeting was inaugurated by Mr. Kim Young Cheol, Executive Director of Korindo Group. In his welcoming speech, Mr. Kim Young Cheol highlighted on the presence of Korindo for 50 years in Indonesia and his hope for the future. “For that, we must change our mindset on forest management. Forest must be managed properly and optimally by implementing principles of sustainability. Sustainable in production, sustainable in social and ecological ways,” Mr. Kim stated.
The meeting discussed the importance of the management of forest as natural resources in a proper way. Hartono Prabowo, the Country Manager of FSC Indonesia stressed that the wood commodity becomes an option for environmentally-friendly raw material compared to other raw materials such as concrete or iron that produce emissions. Therefore, the biggest challenge at the moment is a proper strategy of forest management so there would be no need to do excessive logging yet still able to meet the market needs.
“The key is how to increase the value of forest and forest products in order to provide real benefits for all parties. The certification becomes one of the tools to help improve the performance,” Hartono explained in front of the top-ranking officers of Korindo Group.
Obtaining a certification is certainly not an easy thing. Timber Plantation Manager, Margono conveyed that the understanding on PCI-FSC, the document fulfillment, implementation of consistent and proper management, and also the company’s commitment in a sustainable way in supporting 4M (manpower, money, material, and method) to realize 2022 FSC Certification program becomes a challenge in itself. Moreover, there is a set deadline, which is to meet the target in 3 years. However, he expressed a belief that Korindo will be able to do it, as long as there is one vision, hard work, and mutual support in the implementation in the field.
Korindo itself is targeting to obtain FSC certification for its six management units, namely four natural forests and two industrial forest plantations in 2022. On the same occasion, Public Relations Manager of Korindo Group, Yulian Mohammad Riza stated that Korindo is a company that always complies with the government regulations in running its business. However, as a global company, an international certification must certainly be obtained. “Therefore, we have agreed to work together with FSC, for the sake of improving the management system in Korindo,” said Yulian.
This kick-off meeting is also a realization of a recent statement released by Korindo Group, which stated that Korindo Group is seeking to foster constructive and collaborative relationship, not only with FSC, but also with the stakeholders in realizing sustainable nature management. One way to do it is by fulfilling FSC certification requirements. This becomes the company’s commitment to manage its business units by following international standards. [pr]